Final Grade Calculator

The final grade calculator is designed to determine what grade is needed on the final exam to achieve the desired score.

On Current Grade (letter) Current Grade (%) Weight
  Desired Grade (letter) Desired Grade (%) Total Weights
  Final Exam Grade Final Exam Grade Final Exam Weight
Current Grade(%) Final Grade(%) Class Grade(%)

About Final Grade Calculator

The final grade calculator is used to compute the grade score needed to achieve the desired grade in the final exams. The tool shows the difference between your current and desired grades according to the total exam weights. In this way, you can more specifically set and work on your targets. Also, our tool uses a simple formula to evaluate the final exam grade using the values of the required grade, current grade, and final exam weight.

Final Grade Calculator

How to Calculate the Final Grade?

Firstly, Let's have a closer look at the formula to determine the final grade.


  F =  
( R - ( 1 - W ) × C )


F = Final Exam Grade
R = Required Grade that you want for a class
W = Final Exam Weight
C = Current Grade

However, it seems to be a simple calculation and but it's time-consuming. Whereas the Final Grade Calculator will give you the same answer in less than a second.

Let's understand the working of the formula with example.


Jerry studies in school, his current score in Physics is 77%. He is dissatisfied with his current score and aims to score at least 85%. The final exam weightage in his school is 45%. Find out the grade (%) Jerry needs to score to achieve his target.


Current Grade (C) = 77%
Required Grade (R) = 85%
Final Exam Weight (W) = 45% = (Convert into decimal: 45 / 100 = 0.45)

Note: Make sure that the final exam weight(W) must be in decimal form. For that, you can divide the percent value by 100 and convert it into a decimal.

Now, apply all the values to the formula to find the final exam grade.

  F =  
(R - (1 - W) × C)
  F =  
(85 - (1 - 0.45) × 77)
  F =  
(85 - (0.55 × 77))
  F =  
(85 - 42.35)
  F =  
Final Grade = 94.78%

So, Jerry requires to score 94.78% in the final exam to achieve his target of 85%.

As you can see above, the mathematical calculation can be time taking and a little bit confusing. Hence, we built the easy-to-use final grade calculator for your convenience. Keep it handy or bookmark it for future use.

How to Use the Final Grade Calculator?

As you can see, there are three tabs for three different types of calculations.

  1. Final Grade
  2. Overall Grade
  3. Multiple Grade
Choose Calculation Type

Each tab does different tasks and uses different formulas. The first tab is for the final grade calculation. Similarly, you can choose the other tabs for Overall Grade or Multiple Grade calculations.

Let's know about each of them one by one.

1. Final Grade

This calculator is used to find the grade needed in the final exam to achieve the desired grade. Simply input three values that is current grade, desired grade, and final exam weight. As a result, you will get the final grade needed on the final exam.

Calculate Final Grade

2. Overall Grade

This calculator is used to find the overall course grade when you have already given the final exam. Just input the current average grade, final exam grade, and final exam weight. As a result, it will return the overall course grade.

Overall Grade Calculator

3. Multiple Grades

This is the most important thing in our final grade calculator that allows you to compute the final grade for multiple grades and weights. In this calculator, you can add multiple grades using the "+" button.

Also, you can easily switch between grade types. Here, you can enter the grades in Percentage or Letter. Just select the grade type, enter the values in respective input fields, and get the final grade result.

Note: While giving the values, make sure the sum of weights must be equal to the total weights.

Grade Weight + Final Exam Weight = Total Weights

Calculate Final Grade for Multiple Grades